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What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a term used to describe a company’s commitment towards maintaining a positive relationship with the local and larger community by considering their company’s environmental and social impact. Basically, it speaks to how dedicated a company is towards a sustainable system, a net positive, social, economic, and environmental value. The concept emerged from similar ideals like ethical consumerism, where customers are aware of the day to day environmental and social costs of their consumer decisions.

The incentive is CSR objectives help improve society and the positive association of the brand, so customers are more willing to purchase (potentially a higher price) the product based on their application of ethical consumerism. Not only can it improve the company externally, but internally it promotes a positive workplace environment.

What Does Corporate Social Responsibility look like?

Corporate Social Responsibility is usually broken down into 4 subcategories: environmental impacts, ethical responsibility, philanthropic endeavors, and financial responsibilities. The International Standardization Organization (ISO) released ISO 26000, which is a set of voluntary standards to help companies implement CSR. Though these are loose guidelines rather than requirements, aimed at being implemented by various corporations regardless of size or location.

Concern about environmental impacts is the core of CSR values. As discussed last week, the hierarchy of waste can be utilized to reduce the generation of unmanageable waste, which pollutes the environment. Companies usually prove their commitment to environmental stewardship by reusing materials, reducing carbon emissions, and using sustainable resources in the manufacturing process. Companies can offset their carbon impact by replenishing natural resources or supporting causes that minimize the company’s impact on the environment. The best outcome is creating a product that enhances these values. At SW, we show our commitment with our EcoTek technology. Our raw materials are sourced from sustainable sources as well. SW is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). This third party verification guarantees our products are made from materials sourced from responsibly managed forests, meaning they provide environmental, social, and economic benefits.

Ethical responsibility is the second subcategory of CSR values. Companies often set their own standards, but clear communication and transparency between employees and stakeholders is key. There must be a standard of equitable treatment both internally and externally in the company. First, our hiring practice is to always look for individuals passionate about sustainable business praxis. Externally, SW has a clear reputation of transparency and is both a Green Circle and Green Business certified company. These two certifications show that our company is dedicated to including the local community and abiding by local community concerns about sustainability. Our C2C (Cradle to Cradle) certification further assists consumers in knowing more about what ingredients – specifically hazardous chemicals – are being sourced in our manufacturing process. SW’s EcoTek gloves are free from carcinogens, mutagens, or reproductive toxicants and are assured safe for all users.

Philanthropic endeavors are a simple way for companies to show that they care about the community by how they allocate resources to the community. These contributions are easily seen in monetary donations towards whatever a company’s values are. At SW, we value educating our employees, and many of them can apply for scholarships towards their children’s education. SW was also awarded the Ragan Corporate Social Responsibilities and Diversity Award for sponsoring online classes at Stanford and Duke Universities so employees could educate themselves on sustainability practices. Employees then apply their knowledge to create robust multi-channel social media campaigns to further educate new audiences to SW’s efforts.

Financial responsibilities tie the previous three categories together. A company must ultimately make plans to be more environmentally, ethically, and philanthropically focused, backing such values through financial investments of programs, donations, or product research. SW continues to follow through by designing sustainable products. A notable example is our EcoTek technology. In addition to that, all outer packaging we use is made of 90% recycled paper, and inner packaging is made from 70% recycled paper. At every opportunity our research and development team work on new sustainable methods in manufacturing our products. Our company commits itself to applying corporate social responsibility ideals at all stages and actively keeps these principles in mind.

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